Saturday, May 15, 2010

Recipe for Salmon Patties

Salmon Patties(Updated and added to Recipe Favorites, May 2010.) I don't remember my mom ever cooking fresh fish for the family, except for the very occasional time when my dad would go fishing and bring home Utah Rainbow Trout, which mom would pan-fry whole and we'd eat them with lots of lemon juice. However, I do have fond memories of my mom making salmon patties, made from canned salmon, and fried until they were crispy on the outside. I posted a recipe for these in 2005 when I first started my blog, but through the years I've been making them with less salmon, and considerably more green onions and other seasonings, and recently I experimented with using almond meal instead of bread crumbs, so I thought I'd update the recipe with my new favorite version. (Check the printer friendly recipe page if you want to see the original recipe.) These salmon patties may not compare with fresh wild salmon, but they're a frugal pantry meal that's very tasty.

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