Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday Night Photos: Harvest Time! (2010 Garden Update #10)

garden tomatoesIf you have a garden, you know the joy of going out to harvest and coming back loaded with veggies. People who haven't grown vegetables may not realize just how much a few plants can produce. I thought for this Garden Update, it might be fun to show how many tomatoes, summer squash, and spaghetti squash I picked in 3-4 days time. Luckily I have sisters, friends, and even a few neighbors who don't mind sharing in the harvest! The tomatoes you see here are grape tomatoes, Romas, Celebrity, and Green Zebras, and I have several other varieties that aren't ripening yet. I also have Brandywine tomatoes but I'm eating those for tomato sandwiches as soon as one gets ripe, so they didn't make it into the photos!

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