Saturday, December 11, 2010

Crockpot or Stovetop Recipe for Anasazi Bean and Cabbage Soup

(Updated and added to Recipe Favorites, December 2010)  A few years ago when I was visiting the Ferry Building Farmer's Market in San Francisco I was happily surprised to find that Rancho Gordo Beans sold heirloom Anasazi Beans, and I've been buying them ever since.  I love the slightly sweet flavor of Anasazi Beans, and when I taught Utah history in fourth grade I used to cook them for the students when we had our "Anasazi Feast."  This soup recipe with Anasazi Beans, ham, and cabbage is one of my favorite ways to cook Anasazi beans.  Unfortunately they lose much of the delightful speckled look when they're cooked, but they still taste great. 

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