Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Night Photos: Planting Tomatoes and More Herbs (2011 Garden Update #2)

I'm currently attending BlogHer Food while the garden grows!

Here's another update on the 2011 garden, which is finally shaping up.  I started planting herbs a few weeks ago, and then it seemed like it rained for days in Salt Lake.  That meant  I was really scrambling earlier this week to get my tomatoes, vegetables, and the rest of the herbs planted before I left town for BlogHerFood in Atlanta.  Thanks to my brother-in-law Clayton and my nephew Jake who helped with the garden prep so I could get everything planted!  After I finished planting I took far more photos than any faithful reader would want to see in one post (!) so today I'll show you the tomatoes and the rest of the herbs and I'll focus on the vegetables next week.

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