Thursday, August 11, 2011

Recipe for Pasta with Hot Italian Sausage, Kale, Garlic, and Red Pepper Flakes

This pasta dish might be the tastiest thing I've ever made with kale (so far!)

I couldn't stop eating this pasta with hot Italian sausage, kale, garlic, and just a touch of red pepper flakes, so I'm posting the recipe right away as a Public Service Announcement for anyone who has kale in their garden or CSA box.  I devoured this for lunch two days in a row, and I'm pretty sure I would have eaten it again the next day but my brother Rand stopped by and I gave him the leftovers.  The recipe started as nothing more than an idea inspired by a huge bunch of kale I trimmed from my plants and some Colosimos Hot Italian Sausage leftover from a party that needed to be used.  I looked at a few recipes that with kale and Italian sausage before deciding to make pasta, and then just made up the recipe as I went along.  If you don't have kale I think you could also make this with spinach or chard, but the way the kale became tender and sweet in this dish will probably make a kale convert out of you if you're not sure whether you like it!

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