Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Recipe for Greek Egg-Lemon-Rice Soup with Thyme (Avgolemono Soup)

My version of this traditional Greek Soup has a little thyme and parsley added to the broth.

(Updated with new photos and slightly easier instructions and added to Recipe Favorites, December 2011)   For years Avgolemono Soup has been one of my favorite things to order in a Greek restaurant so in 2006 I tried making it for my New Year's Day Soup Party and posted it on the blog.  This year for Thanksgiving I had the idea of trying this soup with leftover turkey instead of chicken, but I ran out of turkey before that idea could come to pass.  I couldn't get the thought of Egg-Lemon-Rice Soup out of my mind though, so I made my original recipe again and took some greatly improved photos.  My version of this soup has a little dried parsley and dried thyme added to the stock, plus a little lemon zest in the Avgolemono sauce, which isn't always used in authentically Greek versions.  I love this recipe which produces a flavorful soup that stayed good in the fridge for about five days, with me eating some nearly every day for lunch.

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