Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Garden is Planted! (2012 Garden Update #3)

vegetable garden
It's hard to get your garden planted when you're off driving around the West, but the garden is finally planted!

When I'm on a trip, I work hard before I leave so that recipes can still appear on the blog, so readers might not realize that I've been off on a long road trip to visit my brother, visit a nephew and his family, see my friend Cheryl, and most of all to speak at Camp Blogaway (which I highly recommend, especially for relatively new bloggers.)  The weather in Utah got warm very early this year, so I did plant most of my garden before I left.  Since I've been back I managed to finish the planting and had good intentions of getting the garden nicely weeded before I took photos for the blog, but the rain gods made short work of that plan.  The garden loved the rain though, so here's what I'm growing in my garden this year, weeds and all!  Above is an early morning shot of the garden space just as the sun is peeking over the trees that are on the east side in my neighbor's yard.

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