Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hamburger Kebabs (Kabobs) Recipe

Hamburger Kebabs (Kabobs) Recipe
A delicious alternative to burgers for ground beef on the grill!

(Hamburger Kebabs were first posted in June 2006 for Retro Recipe Challenge at Laura Rebecca's Kitchen; this post was updated with better photos and instructions August 2012.)

If you're looking for something to make from ground beef that's a bit more unusual than regular burgers, these delicious kebabs (or kabobs) made with ground beef and seasoned with chopped onion, parsley, pine nuts, and dried oregano are a fun idea.  I first made these for a blogging event where you had to use a cookbook published between 1920 and 1975, and  I found this recipe in James Beard's How To Eat Better For Less Money, a book I've had for many, many years!  Even though the book is so old that you can now buy it for a few dollars, it still has some good cooking information.  One thing that puzzled me the first time I made this recipe was the instructions to marinate the kebabs in "French" dressing.  Then I realized James Beard meant vinaigrette, and it made more sense.  I just brushed the vinaigrette on before I put them on the grill, and it did keep the meat juicy and delicious.

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