Friday, September 21, 2012

Recipe for Black Bean Salad with Jicama, Tomatoes, Cilantro, and Lime

Black Bean Salad with Jicama, Tomatoes, Cilantro, and Lime
A delicious salad combination with black beans, jicama, tomatoes, cilantro, and lime!

(For Phase One Fridays I highlight Phase One recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites.  This salad with black beans, jicama, tomatoes, and Cilantro is something I highly recommend making before the garden tomatoes disappear for another year.)

I'm still savoring the end-of-summer tomatoes from my garden, so I hope tomato-deprived readers won't be too upset if I share a few more recipes using them before the calendar officially flips over to fall. (When I don't have garden tomatoes I've been known to buy those "tomatoes on the vine" from Costco, but only if they have that fresh tomato smell.) This recipe was adapted from a salad my friend Bonnie found in The South Beach Diet Quick and Easy Cookbook. I changed the dressing a little to add more flavor (and cut down the lime juice, which Bonnie recommended.) I loved the crunch of jicama in the salad and made it twice in a week, so even if you have to buy tomatoes, give it a try before the salad days of summer are gone for another year.

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