Friday, April 26, 2013

Recipe for Spicy Broccoli-Jicama Salad with Red Bell Pepper and Black Sesame Seeds

Spicy Broccoli-Jicama Salad with Red Bell Pepper and Black Sesame Seeds
If you haven't discovered how delicious jicama is, this salad is a great way to try it.

(For Phase One Fridays I highlight Phase One recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites, and this Spicy Broccoli-Jicama Salad with Red Bell Pepper and Black Sesame Seeds is not only delicious and colorful, but it's highly nutritious.)

Every so often I get infatuated with a certain ingredient and end up using it over and over until something new catches my eye.  Currently I'm really quite smitten with jicama, both for the crunch and the slightly-sweet flavor that goes well with so many other things.  When I'm creating my own recipes, the best ones seem to come about almost by accident when I start thinking about the ingredient I'm currently infatuated with, and suddenly a recipe idea will pop into my head. Those recipes don't always turn out to be keepers on the first try, but the second version was a winner for this Spicy Broccoli-Jicama salad. 

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