Monday, November 18, 2013

Ten Favorite Deliciously Healthy Sweet Potato Recipes that are Perfect for Thanksgiving

Ten of my favorite healthy sweet potato recipes, just in time for Thanksgiving!

Healthy sweet potato recipes for Thanksgiving
Healthy sweet potato recipes for Thanksgiving!  Just say NO to brown sugar and mini-marshmallows.

For many, many years I was one of those people who would wrinkle their nose up at the mere mention of sweet potatoes (or yams as they are often mistakenly called.)  I didn't think I'd ever like them, but then I tried Spicy Sweet Potato Fries and had a sweet potato epiphany.  I realized that what I didn't like was those overly-sweet dishes with sweet potatoes, brown sugar, and mini-marshallows,  the ones that so many people serve for Thanksgiving.  Since then I've experimented with different ways to prepare sweet potatoes sans marshmallows.  A few years ago I picked six favorite sweet potato recipes, and now I'm updating this post with four more.  That's a total of Ten Favorite Deliciously Healthy Sweet Potato Recipes to recommend for your Thanksgiving table.  Even if you're one of the people who like those marshmallow-topped holiday sweet potato dishes, I bet some of my favorite recipes for sweet potatoes for might be things you'd like to add to your sweet potato options.

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