Monday, January 4, 2010

Recipe Favorites: Ground Beef and Sauerkraut Soup

Ground Beef and Sauerkraut Soup
(Updated and added to Recipe Favorites January 2010) This is one of the Phase One recipes you could find in the new Index of South Beach Diet Phase One Recipes from Kalyn's Kitchen, and I first featured it on the blog in January 2007. Since then the recipe has accumulated a lot of fans. A faithful reader recently told me that she makes it every time she does Phase One, and mentioned it deserves be a recipe favorite. Then I made it over the weekend for my annual New Year's Day soup party, and a lot of people there raved about it too. When I went to lunch today with my friend Bonnie she told me her husband George loved this soup at the party. The signs from the universe are clear; it's time for this soup to be officially made a recipe favorite.

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