Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Night Photos: 2010 Garden Update #1 and What a Great Family!

heirloom tomato seedlingsI love the arrival of Spring, especially when it's finally time to start planting vegetables and herbs in the garden. A few weeks ago I showed the barely sprouted tomato seeds that I'd gotten in the mail from Nate of House of Annie. I haven't managed to keep all the tomatoes alive, but in the photo above you can see that some of them are developing their second set of leaves. Meanwhile, out in the yard there was a huge amount of garden clean-up that had to be done before any of this year's crops could be planted. I do have the world's greatest family, and last Saturday my brother Dave and part of his family spent the day at my house helping me get my yard and garden cleaned up, ready for seeds and plants to be put into the ground.

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