Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Recipe for Canned Tuna and Tomato Salad with Sunflower Seeds

This salad is a great Phase One lunch with a lot of my favorite flavors!

Since we're working our way through a Month of Daily Phase One recipes, it seemed like a good time for me to update this favorite lunch salad of mine, which was lounging around in the recipe archives without a single photo since 2005.  I've made it plenty of times since then, even improving on the original recipe a bit, and finally got around to snapping a few pictures!  As I made this I thought about the name of the salad, realizing that when it comes out of a can I used to call it "tuna fish" but now I call it "canned tuna."  For this salad I use my favorite tuna packed in olive oil, Cherubs salad tomatoes from Costco, and dry-roasted sunflower seeds, and it's something I'd happily eat for lunch most any day.

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