Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kalyn's Kitchen Picks: Kirkland Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Costo extra virgin organic olive oil.
My favorite olive oil for just about everything.

There's no question that this Kirkland Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Costco is long overdue for being chosen as one of my picks for ingredients I buy over and over and happily recommend to the readers of Kalyn's Kitchen.  Olive oil snobs may turn up their nose at the idea of buying olive oil from a big-box store like Costco, (and I can appreciate an expensive imported olive oil as much as the next food obsessed person), but for nearly everything I cook that uses olive oil, I'm thrilled with the flavor of this oil.  And at a little over $10.00 for one-and-a-half liters of olive oil this is definitely a bargain.  Even if you use olive oil often like I do, this bottle will last for a long time.

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