Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kalyn's Kitchen Picks: Sabatinos Smoked Mozzarella Chicken Sausage with Artichokes and Garlic

Sabatinos Smoked Mozzarella Chicken Sausage with Artochokes and Garlic
These delicious chicken sausages are low-sugar, gluten-free, nitrite-free and relatively low in fat.

Sometime in December I bought my first package of these Sabatinos Smoked Mozzarella Chicken Sausage with Artichokes and Garlic at Costco, and frankly I was amazed that a sausage product that's relatively low-fat, low-sugar, gluten-free, and nitrite-free could be so drop dead delicious.  Right away I started to think of recipe ideas using these tasty sausages, and I couldn't wait until January's Month of Daily Phase One Recipes was over so I could feature them for Kalyn's Kitchen Picks, the blog feature where I rave about products I love so much I buy them over and over.  I could not find a website for Sabatinos, but  I did find the nutritional information and they do have a Facebook page if you're looking for a store near you that carries them. 

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