Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Container Garden on the Deck and Herbs in the Kitchen Window (2013 Garden Update #1)

Container garden
Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, and basil are growing on the deck!   Here's the very first tomato planted.

If you've been reading this blog for any time at all, you probably know that I'm passionate about gardening!  I've been sharing Garden Updates every year since 2006, and the garden at the old house got better every year.  And then just when I had the garden of my dreams, I moved!  I do love my new house, but there's an abundance of deer, squirrels, and rabbits running around on the hill, so while I build a real garden and figure out how to keep the critters out of it, I'm growing things in containers on the deck and in the kitchen window this year.  

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