Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Shake-in-a-Jar Mediterranean Salad Dressing Recipe with Red Wine Vinegar, Lemon, and Sumac

Mediterranean Salad Dresing with Sumac
A delicious and easy Mediterranean Dressing that you can use on a variety of greens, beans, or veggies.

If you've been reading my blog any time at all, you know I love all types of Mediterranean flavors.  One of the ingredients I discovered through blogging is the Mediterranean spice called Sumac.  If you've eaten at a Lebanese or Middle Eastern restaurant that had a little shaker jar of a dark reddish spice on the table, that was probably Sumac, or maybe Za'atar, a spice blend that has Sumac as an ingredient.  I've used Sumac in lots of recipes on the blog, and a fair number of readers have told me that they tried it and liked it.  But if you are still not acquainted with this wonderfully flavorful spice, I'm hoping this delicious Mediterranean Dressing with Red Wine Vinegar, Lemon, and Sumac will be reason enough to get you to try it.

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