Monday, January 13, 2014

Goulash Soup with Red Peppers and Cabbage

Goulash Soup with Ground Beef, Red Peppers, Cabbage, and plenty of Paprika!
Goulash Soup with Ground Beef, Red Peppers, Cabbage, and plenty of Paprika!

(This favorite Goulash Soup with Red Peppers and Cabbage is today's pick for the month of  Daily Phase One Recipes, and this is delicious with a generous dollop of low-fat sour cream.  You can see all the recipes from the month by clicking Daily Phase One Recipes.  Check after the recipe for Phase One Flashbacks from this day in 2012 and 2013.)

This soup is one of my Recipe Favorites, and when we had snow again in Utah I made a double batch and decided it was time to update this post with step-by-step photos. The soup has ground beef, roasted red peppers, tomatoes, and cabbage, and it's something I've been making ever since I discovered how much I love paprika. If you use Hungarian paprika (which comes in a tin, not a jar), the recipe is reminiscent of Hungarian Gulyas but without potatoes, and I'm of the opinion that lots of paprika is essential in a soup like this! I used both sharp and sweet paprika, but you can probably get by with only sweet paprika, especially if you're making it for kids. This soup freezes especially well, and I like to pull a container of it out of the freezer on a cold night, heat it up, and serve with a big dollop of sour cream!

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