Thursday, January 23, 2014

White Bean Salad Recipe with Tuna and Parsley

This White Bean Salad with Tuna and Parsley has been a summer favorite for years!

(This favorite White Bean Salad with Tuna and Parsley is today's pick for the month of Daily Phase One Recipes. If you've never thought of combining these ingredients, you might be surprised what a delicious lunch salad this is, but be sure to use the tuna packed in olive oil for best flavor. You can see all the recipes from the month by clicking Daily Phase One Recipes.  Check after the recipe for Phase One Flashbacks from this day in 2012 and 2013.)

In the early days of my blog I discovered a delicious and affordable brand of Tuna Packed in Olive Oil, which changed my way of thinking about canned tuna forever.   That tuna plus my love of parsley and lemon inspired my version of this classic tuna and white bean salad and it's turned into a favorite lunch that I've made over and over.   I updated the photo for this recipe in the summer of 2011, when I had plenty of fresh parsley from the garden, but parsley is an herb that's available and inexpensive all year from the grocery store, and I love that this salad uses ingredients I always have on hand.

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