Sunday, February 2, 2014

South Beach Diet Phase One Low-Glycemic Recipes Round-up for January 2014

Kalyn's favorite Phase One Recipes from January 2014 were Low-Carb No-Egg Breakfast Bake with Turkey Breakfast Sausage and Cheese, Green Chile and Chicken Mock Enchilada Casserole, Turkey Picadillo Lettuce Wraps, and Vegan Spaghetti Squash and Black Bean Mexican Bowl.

It's Superbowl Sunday, undoubtedly one of the most indulgent food holidays of the entire year.  I realize most people are probably looking for Superbowl Recipes and here I am sharing my once-a-month round-up of South Beach Diet Phase One Recipes.  And although there are certainly some recipes here that would make fine Superbowl-watching food, the real reason the round-up is coming today is that after I finished posting Daily Phase One Recipes for the whole month of January (whew!) I just had to have a little break, even if it meant that the Phase One Round-up didn't come out on the first day of the month like it usually does.  Yesterday I puttered around the house, went to a movie with a friend and mostly forgot about my blogs for the day.  But the Superbowl only lasts one day and this round-up has some deliciously healthy recipes that I know you'll want to make over and over again, so I hope you'll take a look and pick something to try even if I'm a day late sharing it! 

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