Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Recipe for Ginger-Cilantro Rice with Green Onion and Sesame

Ginger-Cilantro Rice with Green Onion and SesameI love recipe suggestions from readers, even if I don't have time to try more than a small percentage of the ones people send me. A few months ago a reader who signed her e-mail "Denise in Florida" suggested I might like the recipe for Ginger-Cilantro Rice on I did like the sound of rice cooked with ginger and then tossed with a dressing of pureed ginger, cilantro, green onions, olive oil, sesame oil, and rice vinegar. Denise advised me to reduce the amount of oil, and I read the comments on Epicurious and tried a few different versions until I came up with the one that seemed right to me. My version has (gasp!) less cilantro and more green onion, and I changed the proportions of the other seasonings as well, but the the recipe I ended up with is something that's going to be a regular side dish around here. Thanks Denise for the suggestion to give this a try!

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