Sunday, October 3, 2010

Recipe for Low-Sugar and Whole Wheat Mango Walnut Muffins (or bread)

Low-Sugar and Whole Wheat Mango Walnut MuffinsAfter a few years of experimenting with low-sugar and whole wheat baking, I feel like I'm getting the hang of adapting recipes for baked goods into something that fits my low-glycemic way of eating. I especially like baking recipes where fruit provides some or all of the sweetness, so I was intrigued by this recipe from The National Mango Board that uses mango pulp, diced mango, and lime juice in a mango bread or muffin that's just slightly sweet. I replaced the butter with grapeseed oil, used Splenda instead of sugar (or you could use Stevia In the Raw Granulated Sweetener), and switched the white flour for white whole wheat, and the resulting muffins were delicious.

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