Sunday, October 14, 2012

Recipe for Macaroni with Greens, Lemon, and Parmesan

Macaroni with Greens, Lemon, and Parmesan
I could make a meal out of this Macaroni with Greens, Lemon, and Parmesan!

(First posted in 2006; updated with better photos and instructions in October 2012.)  Through the years I've tried quite a few recipes that featured some combination of pasta and greens, and I don't think it's any secret that kale has become the variety of greens I'm most fond of.  So while I was a little ambivalent about the mustard greens I used when I first created this recipe, this time I absolutely swooned over the dish with Ready-to-use Organic Mixed Baby Kale. This recipe is a different take on the usual pasta/greens combo, in particular because of the way the generous amount of lemon zest accents the flavor of the kale.  If you're not a fan of kale, collard greens or swiss chard would also taste good in this dish.

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