Tuesday, October 2, 2012

South Beach Diet Phase One Recipes Round-Up for September 2012 (Low-Glycemic Recipes)

Slow Cooker Spicy Shredded Chicken Lettuce Wrap Tacos
These Slow Cooker Spicy Shredded Chicken Lettuce Wrap Tacos were my Phase One pick for September!

I normally publish my monthly round-up of Phase One recipes on the first day of each month.  But since yesterday was World Vegetarian Day as well as being Meatless Monday, it didn't seem like a good week to skip the Meatless Monday post!  But even if it's a day late, this round-up is filled with tasty-sounding Phase One ideas, just in case anyone is doing Phase One for a little pre-holiday tune-up.  And even if you're not the tiniest bit interested in Phase One, I bet you still might like some of the lovely dishes I found.

(You can use the label Low-Glycemic Recipe Round-Ups to see all the posts like this one.)
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