Friday, September 3, 2010

How to Preserve Fresh Basil (2010 Garden Update #13)

How to Preserve Fresh Basil found on KalynsKitchen.comFor years I've been freezing fresh basil, to use in soups, stews, and pasta sauce all winter long. Then a few years ago I started to hear about a way of preserving basil when you wanted to use it fresh, but had more than you needed right then. I don't know where I first heard that stems of basil in a cup or jar of water would stay good for days, but it may have been from Pam at Sidewalk Shoes (go see the fresh basil in water in her blog header.) Recently I cut several buckets of basil and froze some, used some to make basil pesto, and kept out a generous handful of basil stalks for a little experiment. So, just how long do you think a jar of basil will stay good on the kitchen counter if you keep adding water?

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